Wednesday, February 13, 2013

When Injuries Hit...

My left foot taped just before the Tinkerbell Half Marathon
The Monday before the Tinkerbell Half Marathon (the half was on Sunday), I began having issues with the my left foot after running 10 miles.  The bottom of my left foot began seriously hurting after my 10 mile run.  I have never felt pain in that area, so I was unsure what to make of it.  A quick internet search led me to plantar fasciitis and the treatment is to ice, elevate, rest, and wear shoes that support the foot.  Oh, yeah, and give it time to heal.

I began icing my foot, rolling it on a frozen waterbottle and stretching it.  But it still hurt. ALOT!  Hubs and I went to Disneyland Friday morning to the expo to pick up our bib and packet.  Although I love Disneyland, I did not feel that I could walk around the parks all day (insert sad face!).  Even though I took it easy Friday and Saturday, I was seriously worried I would not be able to participate in the race.

At the Expo, there was a KT Tape booth.  I waited in line for over an hour.  Taping my foot helped quite a bit.  Don't get me wrong~it still hurt.  KT Tape provides support and stability.  It is not a one-size-fits-all-will-cure-whatever-ails-you remedy.  My sister in law (the hero of my story) also suggested some anti-inflammatory cream.  My sister in law has been battling severe foot issues over the last few years and has become an "expert" in her own right.  As soon as I explained the symptoms, she took my foot and hit the exact spot of the pain.  Between the tape and the anti-inflammatory cream, I was not limping the day of the race and it actually felt okay.

I completed the whole 13.1 miles.  I paid for it the rest of the week and I rested my foot with crutches and LOTS of ice.  I have only attempted one run since Tinkerbell and that lasted a very short lived 10 minutes.

I will do the Princess Half Marathon on January .  While I would love to do intervals of run/walk throughout the race, I will likely walk most of it.  I don't want to injure myself any further.  My goal is to simply finish in an upright position with a smile on my face!

Some lessons I am learning through this injury:
1.  Accept yourself the way you are.
2.  Be as compassionate with yourself as you would be to others.
3.  Focus on doing what you can.
4.  Find out how others have dealt with the same injuries.

I Finished! Now What?

I just finished my first half marathon!  I decided almost 6 months ago that I wanted to participate in Run Disney's Half Marathon.  For six months, I went from not being able to exert myself for even 5 minutes, to being able to exert myself enough to finish a half marathon!  For six months, I focused on the goal of seeing the finish line, obsessed about my Tink inspired costume, and checked the facebook pages for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon daily.

On January 20, 2013, I finished my goal of crossing the finish line!  I wasn't the slowest, I wasn't the fastest.  I had a fabulous time and I crossed the finish line in an upright position with a smile on my face! 

Then, something strange happened.  I was no longer motivated like I had been.  I felt lost the next week and in a fog. 

So, what's a girl to do?  Look forward to another goal!  I have a second half marathon scheduled for February 24, 2013 at Disney World~the Princess Half Marathon!  Since I am doing one race at each Disney resort within one calendar year, I will also be receiving the coveted Coast to Coast disney medal.