
I try to rotate upper body workouts and lower body workouts every other day with cardio in between these sessions. These are based on the Body for Life workouts.Why Body for Life?  Because they can be done at home with the equipment I have.  I can also get a great strength workout.  I do one exercise with descending reps (12, 10, 8, 6 reps starting off with light weights and getting heavier as I decrease my reps) and then do 2 sets of 12 reps of another exercise.  A typical example of my workouts are:

Upper Body (Monday, Friday)
Dumbell Flys x12, x10, x8, x6
Dumbell Press x12, x12
Pullups x12, x10, x8, x6
Straight Arm Pulldowns x12, x12
Front Raises x12, x10, x8, x6
Lateral Raises x12, x12
Hammer Curls x12, x10, x8, x6
Concentration Curls x12, x12
Bench Dips x12, x10, x8, x6
Tricep Kickbacks x12, x12

Lower Body (Wednesday)
Leg Extension x12, x10, x8, x6
Squat x12, x12
Straight Leg Deadlift x12, x10, x8, x6
Lunges x12, x12
Seated Calf Raises x12, x10, x8, x6
Standing Calf Raises x12, x12
Floor Crunches x12, x10, x8, x6
Oblique Floor Crunches x12, x12

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday:
Cardio: Run!

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