Friday, March 22, 2013

Seeking Professional Help with Plantar Fasciitis

Since my last post, I did complete the Princess Half Marathon at Disney World!  I had not ran since completing the Tinkerbell Half Marathon about a month before. The week before Tinkerbell, I felt a sharp pain in the bottom of my foot.  After searching the internet and describing the symptoms to more experienced runners, I self-diagnosed with plantars fasciitis.  I tried limiting walking, icing, stretching and used KT tape to try to assist the healing process.  But the pain persisted and I began the race knowing it would not be pretty and I just wanted to finish.  My goals for this race is to (1) finish (I did not care if it was upright or not) and (2) have fun! 

It was the toughest race I have done.  It was only on pure willpower that I finished.  I talked to a lot of people, stopped for some photo ops, had a magical time storming the castle, and with some encouragement from the Fairy Godmother herself, finished!

This week I sought assistance from a chiropractor who has a background in sports massage therapy to help with my ongoing battle against plantar fasciitis.  After a thorough examination, she taped my foot.  She instructed me to roll my foot over a water bottle for up to 20 minutes 3x a day.

The hardest part~not being able to run.  I have learned to love the time I spend outside just competing against myself.  I cannot wait until this injury is healed so I can get back to my training.  There are some fantastic runs out there that I want to do!  Hopefully, I'll be running shortly.  After all, I have a run over Labor Day at Disneyland on the books!

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