Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wednesday Weigh-In 1/8/14

I started the week at 194 lbs.  Today's weigh-in was 191.5!  Yippee!  I know some of this is water weight since I just started drinking water again.  But I also started exercising again and eating healthy so some of the loss is from those efforts as well.  So far so good!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Weekly Goal (January 6-12, 2014)

I have been thinking about my goals for this week.  I initially had a list 30 but then re-evaluated when I realized there was no way I could accomplish them.  Goals should stretch me but I should not set myself up to fail.  So, goals for this week are:
1. Lose 1 pound this week by exercising and eating healthy
2. Bill 4 hours each day for my business.
3. Spend at least half hour a day dedicated to personal improvement.
4. Spend at least half hour each day dedicated to professional development.
5. Work out at least 4 days this week (running, T25 focus).

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Wednesday Weigh In

After several months of letting myself lapse, I am rededicating myself to taking care of myself and continue on my path to healthy.

But, today was a tough day.  Yup, time to face the music and step on the scale.  That was hard.  Hard to face reality but that is the only way to move forward.

So.....the beginning number in 2014 is 194.0.

Now, time to start eating healthy and working decision at a time.