Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Color Me Rad Preparation

Have you heard of Color Me Rad race?  It's a 5k where you will be drenched in a new powder color every 1k.  By the end of the race, every inch of you looks like a powdered rainbow!  It makes me reminisce about rainbows and unicorns and enchanted lands filled with magic that I dreamed about when I was a little girl.  Well, it probably won't have unicorns or magic but I want to be showered in powered rainbows and I cannot wait!

Today, we went to the pre-event package pick up for the 5k Color Me Rad run.  I had never picked up a running packet before so I was a little unsure what to expect.  Say your name, they compare it to a list, hand you a bib number and send you off to get the rest of the "swag" (see, learning the lingo like a home town white bread girl).  Grey shirt, check.  Pretty nifty sunglasses, check.  Bing, bang, boom, done!

Tomorrow is my first "running" event EVER!  I put quotation marks around running because it is meant to be a fun run.  Timed run?  They don't even own a watch according to the promotional materials.  How long do you need to finish?  Doesn't matter.  Run/walk/jog?  They'll even let you crawl if you want!

I thought it would be perfect for my first 5k.  Even better, two of my sisters, handful of nieces and nephews (ranging in age from 4 to 24) and my daughter are doing it together!  We probably won't stay together since various members walk or run faster than others.  For example, my niece and her boyfriend can RUN (and I mean run at a dizzying pace that would leave me breathless)!  I do a 1 minute walk/1 minute jog rotation.  I am just hoping to finish before the four year old!!

But the best part~my husband is doing it with me, right beside me.  It's our joint goal to have 2012 as the last year we are out of shape.  3 months ago I could not do 5 minutes on the treadmill at a light jog.  I am building strength and stamina and slowly getting there.  This race is just one of the many stepping stones to get to the shore of fitness on the other side of the river.

I'm excited, scared, anxious and looking forward to this adventure.

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