Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Faith, Trust and A Little Pixie Dust

I cannot wait!  The Tinkerbell Half Marathon is almost here!  This combines my love of Disney (and I am a Disney fanatic) with my goal of losing weight.  Ever since I found out that Disney has running events where you run and there is entertainment and character stops along the way, I wanted to do a Disney run.  In 2013, I am running a half marathon in Disneyland and Disney World about a month apart!

The Tinkerbell Half Marathon Weekend (yes, a whole weekend!) begins this Friday!  There is an expo Friday and Saturday and the half marathon is early Sunday.  I am so excited that I want Friday to hurry up and arrive and them time to slow WAY down so I can savor every minute of my first half marathon experience!

As with any major event in a girl's is key!  For the Tinkerbell, my costume is Tinkerbell inspired.  I ordered one of their fabulous fairy inspired shirts from with wings painted on the back and a running skirt from Sparkle Skirts.
My shirt is the black one.  The front and the back are gorgeous and the fabric is SO soft and moisture-wicking!

I cannot wait to pick up my skirt on Friday at the Expo!  Leah, the owner of Sparkle Skirts was so friendly and answered ALOT of questions.  I LOVE this skirt and cannot wait to try it on!

Of course, I will be using pixie dust liberally!  Oh, yeah, my goals for the Disneyland Tinkerbell Half Marathon:

1. Smile!
2. Have a great time!
3. Finish in an upright position.

Seriously, it's Disney where dreams come true!

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