Friday, June 28, 2013

Plantar Fasciitis Set Back

Well, after almost 6 months of no running, I am back!  I have started running 1-2 miles with run/walk intervals.  It's not totally pain-free the next morning but it is only a little sore.  It's a move forward so I will take it!

Also, this week I thought I would begin cardio once again.  I began to do Insanity and actually completed the first two days!  By day 3, my foot was KILLING me.  It has taken 2 days for the pain to reduce.  So, time to take a hint from my body and say good-bye for now to Shawn T and Insanity.  It'll go on the shelf until I'm more fully recovered.  I will concentrate on running, stretching and strength training.  I'd rather not push myself too far too fast and have a severe set back. 

By the way, just in case you have any questions~ Plantar Fasciitis is horrible and I do not like it! 

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