Monday, August 27, 2012

Control the Breathing, Control the Run

Bob Harper on Biggest Loser once told a contestant who was huffing and puffing during a treadmill run, "Control the breathing, control the run."  Bob even turned off the treadmill to talk to the contestant about breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. 

Today's run was difficult!  It had been too long since I had eaten (about 7 hours since lunch) and I fought to go one mile.  I could not get control of my breathing!  Even with my 1:1 of running/walking my breathing was VERY labored!  I could not get on top of my breathing.  I felt like I was panting like a dog!  No matter how much I tried, I just could not shake the feeling that I was hyperventilating.  I think it is related to being so tired because of not eating for the past few hours.  Running is hard, I don't need to make it any harder.

Things learned from today's run:
(1) I need to eat about an hour before the run;
(2) I need to control my breathing.

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