Tuesday, August 21, 2012

From A Pumpkin to A Princess

I learned not too long ago that Disneyland and Disneyworld host running events.  For the last few months, I have been considering signing up for a running event.  Disney just does not only host the event but they do it in Disney Style!  They have fireworks to start each group, characters to cheer you along the way (and take pictures with), and create a unique, one-of-a-kind experience for the participants.  They transform the running course into a magical journey!

Now, mind you, I am not a runner.  At this point I would have more luck rolling my lumpy, dumpy, pumpkiny middle down the course than being a graceful runner.  Disney offers 5k, half marathons and marathons and I was not in any shape to do any!  I could not even do 5 straight minutes at a slow jog on the treadmill without having to stop.  There's no way I can do a running event.

But then I saw the medals.  Last year's medal for participants in the Princess Half Marathon was a shiny princess tiara with a jewel.  And looking at the pictures from my computer, the participants dress up in princess costumes!  Waves of tutus, sparkly running skirts, tiaras and princesses of all shapes and sizes!  Most of the women are not "Victoria's Secret Real Women" model types but women of ALL ages, shapes and sizes.  I read blogs of women who had done the Princess Half Marathon.  Although the reasons for doing it are different, they all ooze over how much FUN it was.  I toyed with the idea of having getting into shape and training to participate in the Princess Half Marathon but it is 13.1 miles and if I had to choose which character I looked like, it would be the pumpkin from Cinderella's story.

I wanted this.  Even pumpkins can turn into beautiful coaches with a girl's wish.  I want to dress up like a princess, run gracefully in the breeze and be able to show off my tiara medallion!  Riding a total wave of spontaneity (which is so unlike me), I signed up for the Disney Princess Half Marathon in February 2013, looked at my husband and asked if he wanted to get in shape with me and become my running partner.  Without missing a beat, he said "I'll be your prince charming" (cue corny music).  After registering, all of a sudden I was hit with "What Have I Done?!"  I live in California and this is in Florida!  I can't possibly run/walk/jog/roll 13.1 miles~I struggle to do 5 minutes of fast walking on the treadmill.  I felt like I just wasted the hefty registration fee.  I felt sheer panic began to creep up through my feet and heading toward my head.

Calm down.  Breathe deep.  It's a fun goal and will be a great reward to participate in February.  My goal for the half marathon: Finish!  It is August so I have plenty of time (I keep telling this to myself).

When I signed up, I was asked about my favorite princess.  I love the classic princesses (of course!) but connected with Belle from the instant I saw Beauty and the Beast with my daughter.  Belle loves to read, chooses her own destiny and finds the good in her situation.  So when asked who is your favorite princess, I said Belle.  Ever since that instant, I have been fixated on dressing up as Belle for the event.  Stop laughing and let me be girly!

So, in true princess fashion, I next have to decide what to wear when there is not a thing in my closet!

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