Monday, July 29, 2013

I'm Quitting BodyRock!

I have been following for awhile.  When someone asks, "Where can I find free workouts for strength?"  I always suggest  What I loved about was that there workouts are (1) free on youtube, (2) incorporated bodyweight resistant excercises and (3) did not need a lot of equipment.  However, they have made some changes which I do not like.  At all.

Over the recent past, their workouts are relying more and more on equipment.  Not just dumbbells and barbells but equipment that most people do not have like the equipment which is listed here on their website.

But more than that, I am uncomfortable watching their videos.  They camera angles used and the way the videos are shot remind me more of soft porn than workout videos.  I am uncomfortable as the photographer lingers way too long on the crotch or breasts of the female host.  I am embarrassed when I am showing the workouts on my phone or someone walks in and sees me watching the video.  The videos are no longer uplifting and motivational to me.  So, I have made the decision to no longer use their product. 

I am also excited that I found a replacement!  One of the original hosts, Zuzka, of bodyrock separated from the company awhile ago but has since began her own company.  Her videos can be found on youtube and the workouts are focused on bodyweight exercises supplemented with dumbbells (if you want).  I feel motivated and uplifting and (the most important) I get an awesome workout.  If a family member walks into the room while I am working out, I am not embarrassed or self conscioius.  Well, maybe I am but not because of what I am watching :) 

I've enjoyed Zuzka's workouts so much, I purchased the Power Strength 3-DVD Collection for $15.99.  I've finished the first three workouts and love it! I'm so glad I found Zuzka's workouts! 

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