Friday, July 26, 2013

To Retreat or Not Retreat - Princess Half Marathon

There are a lot of add-ons for RunDisney events.  When you register for a RunDisney event, you can add pins, purses, necklaces, meals, kid races and for some races you can even add a race retreat.  Of course, in the immortal words of Mr. Gold from Once Upon A Time, all of these magical items have a price. 
For the Princess Half Marathon, there is a magical event called Race Retreat.  In 2013, it was a mere $99 per person.  This is not cheap especially considering it will be tacked onto other expenses such as race registration, airfare, hotel, meals, and other race costs (costumes, souvenirs, park tickets, etc.).  These all can add up quickly.  The question I hear a lot is "Is Race Retreat worth the price?"

My hubby and I treated ourselves to the Race Retreat in 2013 as part of our Princess Half Marathon experience.  I will share my experience and let you decide.

What is Race Retreat?
Race Retreat is a separate tent set up in the area referred to as "Family Reunion" area.  The tent is exclusively for individuals who have purchased the Race Retreat add on package. 

How Do I enter the Magical Race Retreat?
When you pick up your packet at the expo, there is a magical wristband.  The wristband is checked to obtain access to the Retreat tent. 

Give me the down and dirty~What is Included?
According to the RunDisney website, the following is included:

Pre-Race Amenities
  • Pre-race bagels, fruit, coffee, water and PowerAde
  • Temperature-controlled tent with lounges
  • Private restrooms and bag check
  • Padded stretching area

Post-Race Amenities
  • Internet access to check live results
  • Breakfast with hot and cold beverages
  • Changing tents
  • Self-treatment station
  • 10-minute massage for only $10 (subject to availability)
  • Designated location to meet friends and family to celebrate your accomplishment!* 
Other Amenities:
  • 2014 Disney Princess Half Marathon commemorative item
  • Disney Character greetings
  • Live video feed from the Finish Line
  • Information Station
 In 2013, for participants the Race Retreat tent opened at 3:00 am and remained opened until 10:30 am.  In 2013, the price was $99 per person (the price has been increased for the 2014 race year).  Some levels of ChEAR Squad can enter the Race Retreat after 5:30 am.

The tent is full of small, round tables.  In 2013, there were issues with transportation so the time which I spent pre-race in the tent was very limited.  There was coffee, tea, powerade, and water available as well as fruit and bagels.  If you had a bag, there is a bag check in the Retreat Tent that is separate from the regular bag check.  The Race Retreat Tent has its own separate port-o-potties.  It was nice not to have to wait in line!  We were only in the tent about 5 minutes before we began the long trek to the corrals.

The Tent is climate controlled.  In 2013, it was very warm outside and it was much more comfortable in the tent.  After running the half marathon, it was refreshing to come inside.

After the race, when you entered the tent you were handed lotion, a wet towel, and flip flops (our complimentary Disney Half Marathon commemorative item).  There was also an abundant amount of food that was available including eggs, hash browns, bacon, sausage, oatmeal, fruit, bagels, water, coffee, tea and powerade.  There was also champagne for those who wanted to celebrate.

There is a medical area inside the tent that includes a self-help area and to seek medical attention.   Also, there is a lounge area that has a live feed to the finish line on a large screen television.  The line for the massage was ridiculously long so, while it was available, my hubby and I both passed.    There is also an area to take pictures with characters.  I saw the mice from Cinderella and the three fairies from Sleeping Beauty rotate in/out.  They were available for pictures before the half marathon and after.

The tent was crowded but manageable.  We sat at a table with another nice couple and had a lovely chat with them. I did enjoy sitting comfortably, chatting to other participants and relaxing in a comfortable atmosphere.  While we ate, I watched participants cross the finish line in a comfortable manner.  I absolutely loved that!

So~the million dollar question~Is It Worth the Price?
Ultimately, it will depend upon what you would like from your race experience.  I liked having a comfortable place to relax, not worrying about the weather outside and not having long lines for the port-o-potties.  It was great being pampered for a year!

For me, I did not feel like it was worth the $99 per person that I paid (2013 prices).  I drive my car to the race so we can leave at any time and I would rather go to the hotel, clean up and have breakfast where it can be made to my specifications.  I have made the decision that I would rather spend the money this year on souvenirs, park tickets and at the expo rather than the Retreat. 


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