Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Walt Disney Wednesday: 1901 Lounge

All Disneyland fans know about Club 33.  Club 33 is an exclusive members only restaurant above Pirates of the Caribbean in New Orleans Square.  It is located next to Blue Bayou Restaurant.  Haven't seen it?  Many people walk by daily and don't realize what it is.  Here's a picture of the door and the iconic "33" sign. 
Little known fact: Club 33 was named in honor of the original 33 sponsors of Disneyland
A lesser known secret is that California Adventure has its own lounge only available to certain members of Club 33.  It's called 1901 Lounge.  Unlike Club 33, you cannot make reservations for non-members.  Rumor has it that only actual members can gain access to 1901 Lounge.  1901 Lounge is inside Carthay Circle Restaurant.  The 1901 Lounge is rumored to have early works from Walt Disney Studios, including original pieces with Walt's signature!
Little known fact: 1901 refers to Walt Disney's birth year

Do I want to see it?  Yes!  I have just added 1901 Lounge to my bucket list in addition to Club 33!   

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