Monday, October 7, 2013

Weekly Goals: 10/6/13-10/12/13

Weekly Goals:

1.  Lose 1 pound by October 12, 2013 by exercising daily and eating healthy every 2-3 hours (Beginning weight: 192.5)
2.  Plan for each day the night before.
3.  Do stretches for PF nightly
4.  Read or mediate on your goals nightly for 20 minutes
5.  Exercise Daily and follow the following plan:
10/6-10/12Run 2 miles; Betty Rocker Day 1Elliptical 30 minutesBettery Rocker Week 1elliptical 30 minutesWalk 1 mileRun 4 miles

Pop Pilates BeginnerPop Pilates: ABC AbsFat Burning Cardio WarmupQuiet CardioPick Me Up QuickieFeel Good Soul StretchesBetty Rocker Week 2

Pop PIlates: Ab TimeTotal Body PilatesStretching for FlexibilityBody Sllimming WorkoutBackless Dress Workout

Bubble Butt WorkoutCrazy Core WorkoutWhat makes you Bootyful

Monday, September 16, 2013

Training Injured: Crawl If I Must

I have been struggling with that injury that must not be named (cough...cough...plantar fasciitis) since January 2013.  While initially it was limited to the left foot, while training for the Dumbo Double Dare, I began feeling that ominous pain in my heel/arch on my right foot.  I am going to be training for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon that occurs on January 19th.  How to train for it has been an ongoing discussion with my chiropractor.

So, we first focused on what I can do without risking further injury: aquajogging and elliptical trainer.  I have access to a pool and have an elliptical trainer as well in my home workout gym.  I will start off on the elliptical trainer but if I cannot do it without pain, I will switch to aquajogging.  Both forms of exercise are great cardio and low to no impact.  More information about aquajogging can be found here.

In addition to daily stretching, massaging my foot with a tennis ball and towel scrunches, I will also begin to incorporate strength training.  Strength training will strengthen the muscles so the injury will be less likely to occur again.  For my strength training, I love my Zcut DVDs that feature workouts with Zuzka.  The workouts take about 30 minutes so they are perfect for my busy schedule and, while you can use weights if you want, they feature bodyweight resistance exercises.  I love the workouts and by the end I am a sweaty mess.

The third component is stretching daily.  I have specific stretches for that injury which must not be named but I am also to my whole body daily.  In addition, I have a Triggerpoint roller which I roll out on nightly and The Stick which I use at the office at least twice a day on my calves.
Triggerpoint Roller

The Stick

I have modified the Tinker Bell Half Marathon Training Program for beginner runners on the Run Disney website.  I incorporated strength training every other day, on Tuesday/Thursday I train either on the elliptical trainer or in the pool by aquajogging, and I run on Saturdays outside.  I also never run more than 13 miles and every other week is only a 3 mile run to give my body time to heal. My training schedules for September through the event are:

 I will also be following the old adage "If it hurts, stop" so I don't injure my foot further.  If it hurts, I will modify my workout appropriately rather than push it.  My goal is to run/walk the Tinker Bell Half Marathon without further injury.

I know I am injury prone so setting a schedule with the injuries in mind is essential for my training.  I'd rather be too conservative rather than push myself too hard, too fast and have additional injuries.  Happy training!  Let me know how your training is going and how you deal with injuries.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Dumbo Double Dare: Watching From the Sidelines

Although I had planned no matter what to run Dumbo Double Dare, it was just not meant to be.  The injury that must not be named (cough plantars fasciitis) kept me on the sidelines.  After running 5 miles, it took over 2 weeks for the foot to heal.  And the worst part~my "good" foot started hurting!  It is so defeating.  So, what did I do?  I gave my bib away and made the decision to be a spectator! 

It was different watching the race from the sidelines.  I went to the pre-corral 10k area with hubby and hung out with him. So, even though I was just watching, I still got up at 4:00 a.m. and drove to Disneyland's Mickey and Friends parking garage.  For Saturday's 10k, at 4:30 a.m. the thermometer in our car said it was 77 degrees and 91% humidity~and it felt like it!  I hung out with hubby in the pre-corral area.  The official announcers were live at the 5k staging area so we saw it on a big screen tv and they were playing music.  It was very low energy in the pre-corral area and it did not have the normal "this crowd is pumped" vibe.  There was not any fancy backdrops or characters for pictures in that area and the lack of live announcers probably impacted that.  People were friendly, though, and I had the opportunity to talk to LOTS of people and see some great costumes.

There was some confusion.  The runners were told to go to the corral area after the 5k runners left but when we arrived, the corrals were not opened and we were told to go back to the pre-corral area.  The pre-corral volunteers were telling us to go to the corrals.  So, lots of runners and spectators just standing around confused.

That' s a lot of people!

When the runners were finally able to get to the corrals, I gave my honey a kiss for good luck and made my way a short ways from the starting line.  I had spoken to RunDisney personnel on the phone before the event, at their booth at the Expo and the morning of the race.  They were pretty clueless about how to see runners from any (much less multiple) vantage point on the course.  Since spectators were not allowed in the park and I was walking in an air cast, I had decided I would cheer at the start line and at the esplanade between Disneyland and California Adventure.  How to get there?  I went from the start line through Grand California Hotel to Downtown Disney and then crossed into the esplanade.

I love Belle and Gaston at the start line

Tweedles running through the esplanade

While watching from the esplanade, it was fun talking to other spectators and cheering on the runners.  Although it was overcast, both the runners and spectators were drenched in sweat!  It was so humid and uncomfortable.  It's great fun looking at all the costumes, high-fiving the runners and cheering them on.  The runners were amazing!
Even the guys were in costume

Another great costume!
After finding dear hubby in the esplanade, I walked over to Downtown Disney and cheered in the middle of a walkway behind a "V" point where the runners were being diverted to run on half the walkway so the other half could be used by spectators and others to cross half the walk way at a time.  Two ladies from Team Sparkle were using that area to cheer people in Team Sparkle skirts and take pictures.  There were about 6 of us cheering from this vantage point.  This was near the end of the course so the runners were tired and drenched in sweat.  Based on what they looked like, it was clear that most runners needed more water on the course.  The meager 3 water stops (no fuel or powerade) were not sufficient in that heat.  It was great cheering on the runners when they are on the home stretch.  So many runners said that this is when they really needed that extra boost.  Even after hubby ran by, I stayed to cheer.  From social media updates, I realized that there was no way I could see the finish line (way too crowded) and we were planning to meet near the parking garage.  So, I stayed and cheered and loved every minute of it!

Here comes Monsters, Inc.  Boy that must be hot!

The Half on Sunday was a bit cooler (only 75 degrees at 4:30 am and only 85% humidity).  The prerace corral area was jumping.  Hubby made his way to the corrals while I took my place just below the start line. This race was so crowded that I did not see hubby or any friends although I searched for each of them in
their respective corrals.  I made my way through Downtown Disney to watch near a small area where they ran through the end of downtown disney to Disneyland.  I was walked to mile 4 (as runners leave Disneyland).  I was trying to walk down Ball to about midpoint.  I just missed hubby and about a half block away I saw him turn down State College Blvd. to start heading towards Honda Stadium and Angels Stadium.  I started the long trek back to Disneyland and cheered the crowds as they passed.  I saw cheerleaders, marching bands and could hear polynesian music echoing down the streets.  It looked like great fun!  The next place I cheered was mile 12 (when the runners re-enter Disney properties).  It was so much fun and, once again, the runners were drenched!  While yesterday had been overcast, today the sun was bearing down!  Although seeing the runners at mile 12 meant I could not go to the finish line, I enjoyed it so much more than I would have at the finish line.  There were only a handful of cheerers near mile 12 and the runners were definitely appreciative.  One last chance to see the fabulous costumes and give a boost to the runners.
Fireworks at the start line of the Half

If I could do it over again, I would make sure (1) I had a cowbell (my hands and voice were sore from clapping and cheering after the first hour of the first day) and (2) had planned better where to cheer and planned how much time it was going to take me to get from point A and point B so I could tell all the people I knew that were running the race.  One of the difficulties in planning where to be is the RunDisney maps of the course were very general and the people at the RunDisney booth could not give me sufficient specifics about the course and anticipated path closures (I don't think they knew).  Additionally, it did not appear that there was transportation to various points on the course.  My saving grace was that I am very familiar with the Disneyland resort area and could figure out point A to B on the spot. 

If your family and friends are cheering, here are some tips:
1.  Plan where they will be on the course;
2.  If possible, plan how and how much time it will take them from getting between points;
3.  Bring a cowbell or some other noise maker (the runners love noise!);
4.  High 5 each runner~it makes it much more enjoyable to interact with the runners;
5.  Chat and cheer with other spectators;
6.  Most of all, have fun!

Goals for Week of September 9, 2013

This week I have set some very "back to basic" goals.  Last Friday and Saturday, I recommitted myself to a healthy lifestyle after falling off the wagon.  I used Saturday to plan my week and wrote my next week's plan in my new fitbook.  I can't wait to see how this week turns out!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Running Scared

For those who have been following me for a while, you know I have been battling Plantar Fasciitis since January.  I had to take off running from February through July.  About mid-July I was able to begin walking on a flat surface of no more than one mile.  I have been slowly building up and am now up to 3 miles.  I still have slight pain after the run but it is on the mend.

I did not think I would be sidelined for so long.  I signed up for the RunDisney Double Dare over 6 months ago.  The Dumbo Double Dare is a 10k on Saturday followed by a half marathon on Sunday at Disneyland.  Since Dumbo is one of my favorite characters, it was a no-brainer that I would sign up.  However, now that the time is approaching I am concerned about not being able to finish.

I contemplated deferring or selling my bib.  The main part of the reason, if I am honest, is because I am terrified.  Terrified of failing, not being able to do it, and challenging myself.  It is less scary cancelling and not trying than putting myself out on the course and failing.  It's easier to sit on the couch and do nothing.  If I do that, nothing will happen.  I will not change.

In the end, I have decided that I would prepare the best I can with the time that I have, enjoy the run and do my best.  Notice I did not say that I will finish.  I may be swept or my body may tell me it's not okay to go on...and I am finally okay with that.  The most important thing is that I try and do MY best.  It's not about what I could have done if I had not injured myself but what I can do here and now. 

I'll be running the 10k and half at Disneyland.  If you see me, stop and say "hi".  If you see me on the course struggling, a smile, nod or a kind word are always appreciated.  If I pass you and see that you are struggling, I will try to do the same. 

Have you ever almost cancelled on a race because you were scared to run it?

August Goals

I'm a few days late for my August goals.  For this month, I have set the following goals:
  • Workout at least 4x week;
  • Lose 4 pounds this month (beginning weight: 196.5)
  • Run the Dumbo Double Dare to the best of my ability

Monday, August 5, 2013

Weekly Goals: 8/4/2013-8/10/2013

My weekly goals are:
1. Lose 1 pound (currently at 196.5)
2. Work out 4 x/week
3. Eat <1700 calories per day

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Getting "Extra" Time to Finish a RunDisney Race

I remember the first time I realized Disneyland has races.  I was thumbing through a magazine at the doctors office and there was an ad.  It was not just any ad.  It was an add with a runner dressed in costume and running through the Disney castle!  My heart stopped.  What is this great experience I have been missing? 
A typical RunDisney ad
Now, I do not call myself at runner.  At the time I saw the ad, I had not ran since high school and I was 412 years old.  I was overweight, out of shape, and had tried many times to get in shape but, for various reasons, I had not succeeded.  Then I saw this ad for the Tinkerbell Half Marthon and I wanted to know more.  Run through the castle, in costume, before the park opens?!  Hello, someone take my money!!  A quick internet search came up with the RunDisney site.  As I devoured the information on the races, my heart sank.  RunDisney half marathons have a pacing requirement of 16 minutes per mile.  I could not even run around the block much less run the half marathon.  Sound familiar?  Well, this post will put your fears to rest and provide some guidelines as to how to give yourself a little buffer, especially if you were a beginning runner like me.

What is "Sweeping" and Who Are the "Balloon Ladies"?
The official policy of RunDisney is that you must maintain a 16 minute per mile pace.  If you are unable to maintain that pacing requirement, you are placed on a bus and driven to the finish line. This is what is referred to as "being swept".  What Disney does not tell you is how they know whether or not you are maintaining the required pace. 

The sweeper clock does not begin UNTIL the last person crosses the start line.  The pacers (for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon and Princess Half Marathon it was two ladies) for the 16 minute miles start right after the last person.  They maintain a 16 minute pace throughout the race.  So, how do you know which of the 25,000 participants are the pacers?  The two pacers have a helium balloon and the sweeping brigade made up of the bicyclists and sweeper buses remain behind them.  Because the pacers have balloons and are ladies, they are referred to as the "Balloon Ladies". 

I had the opportunity to talk to these wonderful ladies after the Princess Half Marathon as well as a few of the runners who kept pace with them.  The balloon ladies are very nice and the runners said they were very supportive and motivational. It looked they had a party going on the entire race!

How Do I Know If I Will Be Swept?
The balloon ladies let you know if they are passing you.  The bike riders and balloon ladies also let you know if you are behind pace and how much time you have to reach the next stop.  I am told by people who were swept that you are given ample warning before you are swept.

How Do I Give Myself Extra Time?
There are thousands of people who are running the race at RunDisney events so Disney uses corrals so everyone does not start at the same time (I'm sure this would be chaotic).  For example, at Tinkerbell Half Marathon for 2013, there were corrals A through G (7 corrals) and the corral start times were 5 minutes apart from each other.  If corral A started at 5:00 a.m., corral B started at 5:05 am and so forth.  This means that the higher corrals had an extra buffer of time (remember, the pacers do not begin until the last person crosses the start line). 

So, how do you get assigned to a corral?  Disney assigns corrals based on timed, verifiable race that are submitted by you.  Under each race under "Registration" there is a header for "Proof of Time".  For the Tinkerbell Half Marathon for 2014, it states:

If proof of time is not provided by November 1, 2013, data provided is incomplete or cannot be verified, you will be placed in the last start corral. To provide or update your proof of time, you must email all proof of time data requested above to No corral changes will be made after November 1, 2013.

It is important you do a 10k and submit the time by the deadline to Rundisney.  This will boost your chances of getting assigned a higher corral.  Disney assigns corrals based on your proof of time and estimates your finish time.  The faster runners/walkers are assigned the higher corrals. 

Also, move towards the front of the corral.  This will prevent you from being blocked in when your corral starts.  If you are worried about blocking faster runners, then stay on the right so others can pass you easily.  The further you are away from the back of the pack, the less likely you are to be swept.

The biggest tip I can give you is to train.  If you have trained, you should be fine.  I love the Galloway Method where you do run/walk intervals.  Below is one of the training videos for his method. 

The most important tip of all: have fun!  It's an incredible feeling when the volunteer places the medal on your neck and you realize what you have accomplished!  What Disney race are you training for?

Monday, July 29, 2013

I'm Quitting BodyRock!

I have been following for awhile.  When someone asks, "Where can I find free workouts for strength?"  I always suggest  What I loved about was that there workouts are (1) free on youtube, (2) incorporated bodyweight resistant excercises and (3) did not need a lot of equipment.  However, they have made some changes which I do not like.  At all.

Over the recent past, their workouts are relying more and more on equipment.  Not just dumbbells and barbells but equipment that most people do not have like the equipment which is listed here on their website.

But more than that, I am uncomfortable watching their videos.  They camera angles used and the way the videos are shot remind me more of soft porn than workout videos.  I am uncomfortable as the photographer lingers way too long on the crotch or breasts of the female host.  I am embarrassed when I am showing the workouts on my phone or someone walks in and sees me watching the video.  The videos are no longer uplifting and motivational to me.  So, I have made the decision to no longer use their product. 

I am also excited that I found a replacement!  One of the original hosts, Zuzka, of bodyrock separated from the company awhile ago but has since began her own company.  Her videos can be found on youtube and the workouts are focused on bodyweight exercises supplemented with dumbbells (if you want).  I feel motivated and uplifting and (the most important) I get an awesome workout.  If a family member walks into the room while I am working out, I am not embarrassed or self conscioius.  Well, maybe I am but not because of what I am watching :) 

I've enjoyed Zuzka's workouts so much, I purchased the Power Strength 3-DVD Collection for $15.99.  I've finished the first three workouts and love it! I'm so glad I found Zuzka's workouts! 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Weekly Acountability Recap 7/20/2013 - 7/27/2013

Wow!  Where did the week go? Let's recap this week's goals:

1.  Lose 1 pound - I started at 200.5 pounds; on 7/26/2013, I weighed 196.5! 
2.  Work out 4x week - I worked out Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday!
3.  Eat <1700 calories per day - Yes, I did!

This week's workout goals are:
1.  Monday-Upper Body
2.  Tuesday-Run 2 miles
3.  Wednesday-Lower Body
4.  Thursday-Run 3 miles
5.  Friday-Upper Body

I changed this week's strength workouts and began following Zuzka's Power Strength Series 3 DVD Set I will refer to these workouts as "PS").  I LOVE it!  So, I did workout five days this week but my actual workouts were:
(Saturday - ran for 45 minutes)
1.  Monday- PS Workout 1
2.  Tuesday- Run 2 miles; PS Workout 2
3.  Wednesday- Stretch
4.  Thursday- Run 3 miles (3.15 miles in 42:03 minutes)
5.  Friday- PS Workout 3

All in all~a great week!

Friday, July 26, 2013

To Retreat or Not Retreat - Princess Half Marathon

There are a lot of add-ons for RunDisney events.  When you register for a RunDisney event, you can add pins, purses, necklaces, meals, kid races and for some races you can even add a race retreat.  Of course, in the immortal words of Mr. Gold from Once Upon A Time, all of these magical items have a price. 
For the Princess Half Marathon, there is a magical event called Race Retreat.  In 2013, it was a mere $99 per person.  This is not cheap especially considering it will be tacked onto other expenses such as race registration, airfare, hotel, meals, and other race costs (costumes, souvenirs, park tickets, etc.).  These all can add up quickly.  The question I hear a lot is "Is Race Retreat worth the price?"

My hubby and I treated ourselves to the Race Retreat in 2013 as part of our Princess Half Marathon experience.  I will share my experience and let you decide.

What is Race Retreat?
Race Retreat is a separate tent set up in the area referred to as "Family Reunion" area.  The tent is exclusively for individuals who have purchased the Race Retreat add on package. 

How Do I enter the Magical Race Retreat?
When you pick up your packet at the expo, there is a magical wristband.  The wristband is checked to obtain access to the Retreat tent. 

Give me the down and dirty~What is Included?
According to the RunDisney website, the following is included:

Pre-Race Amenities
  • Pre-race bagels, fruit, coffee, water and PowerAde
  • Temperature-controlled tent with lounges
  • Private restrooms and bag check
  • Padded stretching area

Post-Race Amenities
  • Internet access to check live results
  • Breakfast with hot and cold beverages
  • Changing tents
  • Self-treatment station
  • 10-minute massage for only $10 (subject to availability)
  • Designated location to meet friends and family to celebrate your accomplishment!* 
Other Amenities:
  • 2014 Disney Princess Half Marathon commemorative item
  • Disney Character greetings
  • Live video feed from the Finish Line
  • Information Station
 In 2013, for participants the Race Retreat tent opened at 3:00 am and remained opened until 10:30 am.  In 2013, the price was $99 per person (the price has been increased for the 2014 race year).  Some levels of ChEAR Squad can enter the Race Retreat after 5:30 am.

The tent is full of small, round tables.  In 2013, there were issues with transportation so the time which I spent pre-race in the tent was very limited.  There was coffee, tea, powerade, and water available as well as fruit and bagels.  If you had a bag, there is a bag check in the Retreat Tent that is separate from the regular bag check.  The Race Retreat Tent has its own separate port-o-potties.  It was nice not to have to wait in line!  We were only in the tent about 5 minutes before we began the long trek to the corrals.

The Tent is climate controlled.  In 2013, it was very warm outside and it was much more comfortable in the tent.  After running the half marathon, it was refreshing to come inside.

After the race, when you entered the tent you were handed lotion, a wet towel, and flip flops (our complimentary Disney Half Marathon commemorative item).  There was also an abundant amount of food that was available including eggs, hash browns, bacon, sausage, oatmeal, fruit, bagels, water, coffee, tea and powerade.  There was also champagne for those who wanted to celebrate.

There is a medical area inside the tent that includes a self-help area and to seek medical attention.   Also, there is a lounge area that has a live feed to the finish line on a large screen television.  The line for the massage was ridiculously long so, while it was available, my hubby and I both passed.    There is also an area to take pictures with characters.  I saw the mice from Cinderella and the three fairies from Sleeping Beauty rotate in/out.  They were available for pictures before the half marathon and after.

The tent was crowded but manageable.  We sat at a table with another nice couple and had a lovely chat with them. I did enjoy sitting comfortably, chatting to other participants and relaxing in a comfortable atmosphere.  While we ate, I watched participants cross the finish line in a comfortable manner.  I absolutely loved that!

So~the million dollar question~Is It Worth the Price?
Ultimately, it will depend upon what you would like from your race experience.  I liked having a comfortable place to relax, not worrying about the weather outside and not having long lines for the port-o-potties.  It was great being pampered for a year!

For me, I did not feel like it was worth the $99 per person that I paid (2013 prices).  I drive my car to the race so we can leave at any time and I would rather go to the hotel, clean up and have breakfast where it can be made to my specifications.  I have made the decision that I would rather spend the money this year on souvenirs, park tickets and at the expo rather than the Retreat. 


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Pinterest RunDisney Costume Ideas

Pinterest is a virtual pinboard to keep all of your ideas
I am addicted to Pinterest!  I love the recipes, workouts, and home decorating ideas.  But every now and then, I come across a Pinterest Board which is spectacular.   I love looking at costumes for races and follow a few creative people just for that purpose.  My latest obsession is Nicole Buompseniero's Disney 5k and Half Marathon Costume Ideas.

While I have never met Ms. Buompseniero, I admire her creativity and her ability to come up with creative costume ideas for her pinboard.  I am definitely going to be referring to her board as I come up with costumes for my upcoming races! 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Weekly Workouts and Goals: July 15, 2013

Last week was horrible!  Need to re-dedicate myself because (in the words of Loreal) I'm worth it!

So, this week's goals are:
Lose 1 pound
Work out 4x week
Eat <1700 calories per day

My workout goals are:
Monday-Upper Body
Tuesday-Run 2 miles
Wednesday-Lower Body
Thursday-Run 3 miles
Friday-Upper Body

Let's do this!

Race Day Countdown - Dumbo Double Dare

The three medals on the left are the Dumbo Double Dare medals

50 days away from Disneyland's Dumbo Double Dare at Disneyland's Half Marathon Weekend!  I am just getting back to running.  It's been since January since plantar fasciitis first reared its ugly head.  I am still not 100% but definitely better than what it was.  This will be my first half since Princess Half Marathon in February and I cannot wait!  I am running a 10k and half marathon in two consecutive days and getting three gorgeous RunDisney medals!  I am so excited and determined to make it happen! 

I cannot wait to run this event with other fans of Disneyland and RunDisney events!  There is still a lot to do including making two costumes (one for me and one for hubs), room reservations, oh, yeah, and a little thing called training!

Friday, July 12, 2013

How to Register for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon When It's Sold Out

Tinkerbell Half Marathon registration began and closed!  General registration began at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, July 9, 2013.  It was sold out on July 10th around 9:00 p.m.  Wow!  RunDisney races are popular!  So, can you still sign up for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon?  Yup! How?

There are still spots available through Disney charities and travel operators.  Running with a charity can be hugely rewarding.  Last year at Tinkerbell Half Marathon, I was amazed at Team in Training (The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society).  Their coaches were cheering and supporting their team on several points on the course.  I was amazed at their support of each other.  I also saw coaches offering support, biofreeze, and KT Tape to their struggling team mates.  It was amazing to see!  The charities which are listed on the RunDisney page are:

Race Weekend Charity Groups
 The travel operator is GET Travel Sports & Events.

So, if you are determined to get your wings, you still have the opportunity to fly to Neverland!  There is also still time to register for the 10k, 5k, and kids races. Keep Tinking On!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Jeff Galloway Method: Run, Walk, Run

In 2012, I decided that I wanted to do RunDisney's Princess and Tinkerbell Half Marathon.  I had not ran since high school so I knew it would be a challenge.  I signed up and immediately joined the ranks in becoming "Disney Poor" after the mouse took the registration fee from my bank account.  

Feeling exhilerated, I laced up my sneakers purchased at least 6 months previously at Walmart and decided to head out for a "quick jog".  Well, what was in my head and what my body can do were two different things!  I made it to the end of the block (I don't think it was more than 1/4 mile) and knew I was in trouble.  I was already huffing and puffing, my lungs were trying to escape this new form of torture by beating out of my chest, my legs and feet were already hurting and my head finally was saying "Whoa!  What did we just do?!"  

Feeling utterly defeated, I walked back home to look at training programs.  I searched "half marathon training programs" on google and came up with more than two dozen programs.  I had no idea what made one program better than the other, if they were realistic or anything about them.  Somewhere in my research, I found a golden nugget.  I was happier than a kid finding free gum on the underside of a table!  I learned about the Galloway Method.  The basic premise is to take walking breaks before you need them and incorporate walking and running intervals.  The reviews sounded wonderful.  "Finished in an upright position", "made it all the way to the finish line" and "finished injury-free" were some of the phrases tossed around.  Jeff Galloway, a professional runner and Olympian, creates running programs for Run Disney for each of their races.  I took a closer look.  It looked feasible.  Start walking/running and increase distance and speed.  I knew I could walk.  I could run for about 30 seconds.  That's a good place to start.

Over the next several months, I increased my distances and went from a 30 second run/walk interval to a 1 minute run/walk interval.  When it was time to do the half marathon, I continued with the Galloway Method.  I actually finished!  It was wonderful!  Are there programs that train you to run the whole event?  Yes.  Will I use them? Probably not.  I get a wonderful workout with the run/walk intervals, never out of breath, have energy at the end and it works well for my body. 

At the Tinkerbell Half feeling great!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Walt Disney Wednesday: 1901 Lounge

All Disneyland fans know about Club 33.  Club 33 is an exclusive members only restaurant above Pirates of the Caribbean in New Orleans Square.  It is located next to Blue Bayou Restaurant.  Haven't seen it?  Many people walk by daily and don't realize what it is.  Here's a picture of the door and the iconic "33" sign. 
Little known fact: Club 33 was named in honor of the original 33 sponsors of Disneyland
A lesser known secret is that California Adventure has its own lounge only available to certain members of Club 33.  It's called 1901 Lounge.  Unlike Club 33, you cannot make reservations for non-members.  Rumor has it that only actual members can gain access to 1901 Lounge.  1901 Lounge is inside Carthay Circle Restaurant.  The 1901 Lounge is rumored to have early works from Walt Disney Studios, including original pieces with Walt's signature!
Little known fact: 1901 refers to Walt Disney's birth year

Do I want to see it?  Yes!  I have just added 1901 Lounge to my bucket list in addition to Club 33!   

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

No More Excuses! AKA Get Off Your Butt!

I have a confession.  I have been using my issues with plantars fasciitis as an excuse not to work out.  I know it is stupid.  While there are some limitations I have, that does not mean I cannot work out.

I finally realized that this is stupid and I am only hurting myself.  I knew I needed to work out but kept coming up with incredible brilliant reasons to avoid working out.  Maybe some of them sound familiar to you?

Excuse: "I Look Gooooodddd!""
I don't mean that I will ever be on the cover of Sports Illustrated or Maxim.  Just the average everyday experience of looking in the mirror and deciding that I look "fine".  Victoria's Secret is not hunting me down but I don't look too bad.  Just a little "fluffy" around the edges but I am "big boned" so what do I expect?  I will never be a size 4 because I do have curves and hips.  I don't look terrible so "meh."

Truth: Being healthy has nothing to do with appearance.  I need to be in better health for so many other reasons than appearance.  I can't run 3 miles straight, I can't go up the stairs without huffing and puffing, I have fat around my middle and heart and have no energy.  These are indicators that I am not healthy and it will take a toll on my body later in life.  This is about investing in me now so I will have a future. 

Excuse: "I can't afford a gym membership, Beachbody videos, gym equipment, etc"
 All this stuff adds up.  How am I going to afford this and cute workout clothes?

Truth:  Oh stop it!  You don't need to join a gym, own the greatest DVDs or have fancy gym equipment.  When my kids were little and we just barely could afford to eat, I went to goodwill found a $3 workout tape (my big splurge!) and made weights from household items.  Need a weight?  Canned food, bags of rice and duffle bags filled with books make great weights.  Now, you can go to the local library and get workout DVDs for free.  Also, there are a number of free workouts on youtube such as that change daily and are easy to do at home.

Excuse: "I don't have time for that!"
I'm busy, overwhelmed and stressed already.  You want me to find time for working out, too.  Sorry, can't be done, my schedule is already too full.  I have stuff that I have not even touched that I have to get done.

Truth:  This is the mother of all excuses.  I spend lots of time watching TV, oversleeping and wasting time.  If it is a priority, you will find the time.  Find out what is sucking up your time and make changes!  For me, it's facebook, television and oversleeping.  I can identify what is sucking up my time and I can use that time to be productive.

Excuse: "I don't want to sweat!"
I took a shower this morning.  I don't want to be sweaty and gross.  I don't want to change my outfit~again.

Truth: Sweat means your body is exerting itself and you are becoming stronger and more efficient.  Working out for a half hour won't kill you and may be a minor inconvenience.  Not working out and staying unhealthy can kill you.  Get off your butt and just go!

Excuse: "I'm too tired!"
I can just barely get off the couch and I have no energy.  I can start working out tomorrow.

Truth: Get off your butt and go.  Walk around the neighborhood, do jumping jacks, do something!  You are tired because you don't do anything.  Exercise will increase your energy and make you stronger.  Doing nothing has gotten you to feel weak, tired and overweight.  Working out may just change that.

These are my top excuses for not working out.  I'm not going to make them anymore.  I am getting off work tonight and working out!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Goals July 8 - July 14

Goals for July 8 - July 14 (July Week 2)

  1. I will foam roll at least once a day
  2. I will work out at least 5x this week through the following workout schedule:
    1. Monday: Upper Body Workout; Run 1 mile
    2. Tuesday: Run 3 miles
    3. Wednesday: Lower Body Workout; Run 1 mile
    4. Thursday: Run 3 miles
    5. Friday: Upper Body Workout; Run 1 mile
  3. I will eat every 3 hours, 5-6 times a day.
  4. I will plan my daily menu at night before I go to bed.
  5. I will lose 1 pound.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Plantar Fasciitis Set Back

Well, after almost 6 months of no running, I am back!  I have started running 1-2 miles with run/walk intervals.  It's not totally pain-free the next morning but it is only a little sore.  It's a move forward so I will take it!

Also, this week I thought I would begin cardio once again.  I began to do Insanity and actually completed the first two days!  By day 3, my foot was KILLING me.  It has taken 2 days for the pain to reduce.  So, time to take a hint from my body and say good-bye for now to Shawn T and Insanity.  It'll go on the shelf until I'm more fully recovered.  I will concentrate on running, stretching and strength training.  I'd rather not push myself too far too fast and have a severe set back. 

By the way, just in case you have any questions~ Plantar Fasciitis is horrible and I do not like it! 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Honey Nut Chicken Recipe

This is one of my favorite recipes.  It's moist, delicious, quick and easy and my whole family loves it.  It was created by Rachel Ray and the recipe can be found here.  It's one of my favorite recipes to make because it is full of flavor.  Serve it with the succotash recipe that is also included and it is to die for.

HONEY NUT CHICKEN (created by Rachel Ray and found on the Food Network's website)

Total Time: 25 min; Prep 10 min; Cook 15 min

4 servings


4 ounces, 2 small packages, honey roasted peanuts, about 2/3 cup
1/2 cup plain bread crumbs
1 tablespoon grill seasoning blend (recommended: Montreal Seasoning by McCormick)
2 eggs
A splash half-and-half or whole milk
2 teaspoons hot sauce, several drops
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
2 to 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
4 (6 to 8-ounce) pieces of chicken breast
Barbequed Succotash, recipe follows


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Put nuts, bread crumbs and grill seasoning in food processor and pulse grind to combine the nuts into bread crumbs. Pour nutty-breading onto a plate.

Beat eggs and half-and-half or milk with hot sauce in a shallow dish.

Pour flour out on a plastic board or plate.

Dust both sides of the chicken with flour. Dip the chicken into the egg mixture and then coat with the nutty-breading.

Preheat a nonstick skillet over medium high heat. Add vegetable oil to coat the bottom of the pan with a thin layer, 2 or 3 turns of the pan. Brown chicken pieces 2 minutes on each side in hot oil or until evenly light golden in color. Transfer to a baking sheet and cook in oven until juices run clear and breasts are cooked through, about 10 to 12 minutes. Serve with Barbecued Succotash.

Barbecued Succotash:

1 tablespoon extra-virgin or vegetable oil, 1 turn of the pan

1/2 red onion, chopped

1 red bell pepper, seeded and chopped

1 (14-ounce) can black beans, rinsed and drained

1 (10-ounce) box frozen corn

Salt and pepper

1/4 cup smoky barbecue sauce

2 tablespoons chopped chives, parsley or cilantro leaves, for garnish

Heat a medium skillet over medium high heat. Add onions and peppers and saute 5 minutes. Add beans and corn and season with salt and pepper. When corn heats through, add barbecue sauce. Stir to combine and serve succotash with chopped chives, parsley or cilantro to garnish.

Yield: 4 servings

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Inactive Cook Time

Ease of preparation: easy

Serves: 4; Calories: 512; Total Fat: 24.5 grams; Saturated Fat: 4 grams; Protein: 51 grams; Total carbohydrates: 20 grams; Sugar: 1 gram; Fiber: 2 grams; Cholesterol: 175 milligrams; Sodium: 442 milligrams

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Thursday's Helpful Race Hints: Costume Basics

Snow White and Evil Queen posing for pictures at the Tinkerbell Half Marathon
What separates Run Disney events from other races?  While this can be answered 100 different ways, one of my favorite ways is the costumes.  Grown women and men pay homage to their favorite, pixie, princess, prince, villain and favorite character by creating a costume inspired by their beloved character.  The course is filled with all sorts of Disney characters.

When I was deciding on a pixie powered costume for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon, I obsessed over my first race costume.  I was not sure how to create a costume.  I read all blogs related to costumes and looked at the previous year's costumes (to see the race pictures from the 2013 Tinkerbell Half Marathon, visit  My favorite blog related to costumes was from According to Kelly.   Kelly has ran many, many Disney races and always comes up with fabulous costumes which she makes herself.  You can also check out etsy, a website for crafters and sewers to sell their hand made creations by searching for your character and adding "running costume".  You can also search google and google images the same way.

After you decide on a character, decide what details symbolize the character.  For example, Snow White, what are the details that let you know it is Snow White?  Yellow skirt, blue top, red/blue short sleeves, white collar or combination of these items?  For Tinkerbell, is it the light green skirt, wings, pom pom on her shoes, strapless top or poofy bun?  Identify the items on the costume that are essential in recognizing the character.  Now, how do you modify that item so it is easy to run in?  For example, look at the picture above.  See Snow White's sleeves?  They are strips of ribbon that are held together at the sewn to an elastic that make the short sleeves.  Very breathable and very runnable.

A Snow White Inspired Costume from on Pinterest
 Identifying the icons for each costume that make it recognizable as that character is essential in creating the perfect running costume.  There are those that replicate every item on the costume while others create a character-inspired costume.  The best costumes have little details that reflect the characters.  For example, if you saw a disney runner in a yellow skirt, blue tank top, and a red ribbon in her black hair, you would probably still identify her as Snow White?  Why?  The color scheme is Snow White including the red ribbon in her hair (an essential detail in her costume).

When you are putting together your costume, take a minute to ask what are the details which are essential to the character.  Don't forget to include these in your costume.  Happy Costuming!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I"m Going to Disneyland But Where Do I Stay?

Whether planning a vacation or your next run through Run Disney, one of the first of many questions is "where do I stay"?  First, let me say that I am NOT a travel agent or associated with a travel agent or hotel in any way.  I am someone who just visits Disneyland ALOT!  According to my annual pass last year, I made over 50 visits to Disneyland.  Why?  I LOVE this place!

I found this map on the internet (not sure of the source) and have been using it as a reference when I make hotel reservations.  You can also check out google earth street view as an additional resource.  WARNING: I do believe that more of the hotels should be designated as within walking distance.  For example, Anabella Hotel near Katella Avenue and Disneyland Drive is only about a 5 minute walk from the parks and across the street from the corrals used for the Run Disney races.

If you are familiar with Disney World, you will be surprised that the hotels at Disneyland are close to the parks.  Disneyland is surrounded by city streets.  Most hotels will have shuttles going to/from the parks and there are sidewalks so it is easy to get around.

Distance between California Adventure and Disneyland?  Maybe a 5 minute walk turnstile to turnstile if you stop to take pictures.  They are right across a large plaza from each other so you can easily go from one park to the other.  Downtown Disney is also within walking distance of each park.

There are lots of hotels with lots of different price points.  The most inexpensive way I have found to book hotels is through priceline or travelocity.  My hubby and I do not generally plan our trips in advance but rather look at each other on Friday afternoon and decide it's a great day to see fireworks above our favorite castle.  We have a Disney-Go Bag in our trunk so we can leave on a whim.  So, we end up booking a hotel as we drive down to Disneyland.

The rare times we plan our trips, such as family reunion trips or Run Disney events, we still book through Priceline.  Whatever your budget, you can find a hotel near Disneyland.  If you want to spend an outrageous per night price, you can stay at the fabulous Disneyland Hotel, Paradise Pier or Grand Californian Hotel which are all owed by Disney.  On a budget, well, there is Super 8 Motel.  There are lots of choices and price points to fit everyone's budget and needs.

Here's to your next stay!

Monday, March 25, 2013

This Week's Goals: 3/25/2013 - 3/31/13

This week's goals:

1. Lose 1 pound by eating every few hours and not eating over 1500 calories a day
2. Drink 80 ounces of water daily
3. Work out four times a week
4. Create a facebook page for this blog
5. Blog 4 times a week

Friday, March 22, 2013

Seeking Professional Help with Plantar Fasciitis

Since my last post, I did complete the Princess Half Marathon at Disney World!  I had not ran since completing the Tinkerbell Half Marathon about a month before. The week before Tinkerbell, I felt a sharp pain in the bottom of my foot.  After searching the internet and describing the symptoms to more experienced runners, I self-diagnosed with plantars fasciitis.  I tried limiting walking, icing, stretching and used KT tape to try to assist the healing process.  But the pain persisted and I began the race knowing it would not be pretty and I just wanted to finish.  My goals for this race is to (1) finish (I did not care if it was upright or not) and (2) have fun! 

It was the toughest race I have done.  It was only on pure willpower that I finished.  I talked to a lot of people, stopped for some photo ops, had a magical time storming the castle, and with some encouragement from the Fairy Godmother herself, finished!

This week I sought assistance from a chiropractor who has a background in sports massage therapy to help with my ongoing battle against plantar fasciitis.  After a thorough examination, she taped my foot.  She instructed me to roll my foot over a water bottle for up to 20 minutes 3x a day.

The hardest part~not being able to run.  I have learned to love the time I spend outside just competing against myself.  I cannot wait until this injury is healed so I can get back to my training.  There are some fantastic runs out there that I want to do!  Hopefully, I'll be running shortly.  After all, I have a run over Labor Day at Disneyland on the books!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

When Injuries Hit...

My left foot taped just before the Tinkerbell Half Marathon
The Monday before the Tinkerbell Half Marathon (the half was on Sunday), I began having issues with the my left foot after running 10 miles.  The bottom of my left foot began seriously hurting after my 10 mile run.  I have never felt pain in that area, so I was unsure what to make of it.  A quick internet search led me to plantar fasciitis and the treatment is to ice, elevate, rest, and wear shoes that support the foot.  Oh, yeah, and give it time to heal.

I began icing my foot, rolling it on a frozen waterbottle and stretching it.  But it still hurt. ALOT!  Hubs and I went to Disneyland Friday morning to the expo to pick up our bib and packet.  Although I love Disneyland, I did not feel that I could walk around the parks all day (insert sad face!).  Even though I took it easy Friday and Saturday, I was seriously worried I would not be able to participate in the race.

At the Expo, there was a KT Tape booth.  I waited in line for over an hour.  Taping my foot helped quite a bit.  Don't get me wrong~it still hurt.  KT Tape provides support and stability.  It is not a one-size-fits-all-will-cure-whatever-ails-you remedy.  My sister in law (the hero of my story) also suggested some anti-inflammatory cream.  My sister in law has been battling severe foot issues over the last few years and has become an "expert" in her own right.  As soon as I explained the symptoms, she took my foot and hit the exact spot of the pain.  Between the tape and the anti-inflammatory cream, I was not limping the day of the race and it actually felt okay.

I completed the whole 13.1 miles.  I paid for it the rest of the week and I rested my foot with crutches and LOTS of ice.  I have only attempted one run since Tinkerbell and that lasted a very short lived 10 minutes.

I will do the Princess Half Marathon on January .  While I would love to do intervals of run/walk throughout the race, I will likely walk most of it.  I don't want to injure myself any further.  My goal is to simply finish in an upright position with a smile on my face!

Some lessons I am learning through this injury:
1.  Accept yourself the way you are.
2.  Be as compassionate with yourself as you would be to others.
3.  Focus on doing what you can.
4.  Find out how others have dealt with the same injuries.

I Finished! Now What?

I just finished my first half marathon!  I decided almost 6 months ago that I wanted to participate in Run Disney's Half Marathon.  For six months, I went from not being able to exert myself for even 5 minutes, to being able to exert myself enough to finish a half marathon!  For six months, I focused on the goal of seeing the finish line, obsessed about my Tink inspired costume, and checked the facebook pages for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon daily.

On January 20, 2013, I finished my goal of crossing the finish line!  I wasn't the slowest, I wasn't the fastest.  I had a fabulous time and I crossed the finish line in an upright position with a smile on my face! 

Then, something strange happened.  I was no longer motivated like I had been.  I felt lost the next week and in a fog. 

So, what's a girl to do?  Look forward to another goal!  I have a second half marathon scheduled for February 24, 2013 at Disney World~the Princess Half Marathon!  Since I am doing one race at each Disney resort within one calendar year, I will also be receiving the coveted Coast to Coast disney medal.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Costumes Anyone?

Part of the fun of any Disney race is wearing a costume.  Any facebook page devoted to any of the Disney races is full of people discussing the costumes they will wear.  Women offer opinions about racing in a tutu and running skirts and how to run with wings.  At my first half marathon and Disney race, it was great to see all the costumes.   The majority of the costumes were Tinkerbell inspired (after all, it was the TINKERBELL half marathon) but there were lots of princesses and other characters, too.  Hubby and I spent most of the race just behind a fellow runner dressed up as Mary Poppins.  Some costumes are inspired by the character while others want to replicate their Disney hero down to the most minute detail.

My first Tink inspired costume: a sparkle skirt and arm warmers from sparkleskirt, raw threads shirt which had silk screen wings on the back and light up pixie green shoe laces!

Many runners wear a decorated skirt and a tank top and use accessories as their costume.  Others go full out. in their costume design.  There's no right or wrong.  I saw many halloween costumes that had been "customized" so they will be runnable. 

If you are trying to come up with costume ideas, there are lots of resources.  One of my favorite bloggers is According to Kelly who is a Disney racing fanatic and has designed some great costumes and offers tips for others to recreate their favorite Disney characters and how to run with wings.  Trying to figure out how to do a top for Aurora...yup, Kelly has conquered that and included it in her blog.  Trying to figure out how to make Snow White's sleeves...yup, Kelly's got that covered too.  Wondering how to run with got it, Kelly's got that covered as well.  If you cannot tell, I am a huge fan of Kelly's and am hoping to meet her at a future Disney race. 

Another blogger, who I also idolize, is Karla at Run, Karla, Run! She and her husband have ran in the cutest costumes!  She also gives lots of tips about costumes and has had some brilliant ideas!

Team Sparkle and Sparkleskirts make running skirts that can be incorporated into your costume.  I looked at both options at the Tinkerbell expo and my personal preference was sparkleskirts.  The shorts do not ride up, I prefer the design,  and the skirt is hemmed..  Both companies have a strong following.  Both companies offer suggestions on how to incorporate their skirts into a costume. 

 Of course, also search pinterest boards (there are lots!) and etsy for a running costume or accessories.  Chic by Amber has some wonderful disney shirt designs.  Etsy has a number of women who make running costumes.  Just search your character's name plus "running costume" and you should get multiple vendors. 

If you want to make your own tutu, check idiotrunnergirl's blog post.  If you want to make your own wings, here's the post you want to check out.  This year at the Tinkerbell half marathon, a number of women had glowing wings and they looked spectacular!

Whatever you choose, remember to take it on a practice run to identify any issues you may have during your run.  In the middle of your race is not the place to find out that your costume chafes or needs to be altered for your comfort.  Have fun!